The most recent draft of the form for reporting digital asset transactions reflects the final regulations for custodial broker reporting that the IRS released in June.
Category: AICPA News
FinCEN uses TV ad to tell businesses about BOI
The PSA uses a chat between friends in a coffee shop to educate small businesses about beneficial ownership information reporting, which 32.6 million businesses must file.
ERC disallowance letters go to 28K businesses, moratorium adjusted
The IRS moved the moratorium date forward into early 2024. Also, it announced sending disallowance letters to some businesses with invalid claims and plans for payments to others.
BOI requirements roll along despite concerns about too little outreach
FinCEN, which oversees beneficial ownership information reports, has received just 2.7 million of the 32.6 million reports that it expects. Through June, FinCEN said, it has reached more than 90,000 stakeholders.
Tax practitioner complaint leads to review of advocate phone service
A tax practitioner complained about a six-week wait for a response to help a client with a financial hardship who was owed a refund, leading to the unflattering review by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
Helping pre-retirees choose a retirement spending limit
Retiring clients need a realistic and accurate target that ensures they neither outlive their savings nor unnecessarily restrict their “fun money” spending. Here are some steps to follow.
Melancon: Supreme Court decisions are ‘big deal’ for tax pros
Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA, AICPA & CIMA’s CEO, said the decisions will create uncertainty for a profession that craves certainty.
Switching to mastery-based college accounting classes
How do you go from teaching and testing material in a set time to providing students time (and multiple testing opportunities) to gain 100% mastery of the material? Find out in this Academic Update article.
Pipeline plan of action: Read the Accounting Talent Strategy Report
One year after its formation, the National Pipeline Advisory Group published its recommendations for improving the talent pipeline.
Broker-dealer audit deficiencies on the rise, PCAOB finds
The board’s annual report identifies deficiencies in 70% of audit engagement reviews, offers advice aimed at reducing the number.