Divorce Planning

Tablet and Pen on table in front of couple

Many important financial issues inherent to divorce cases are commonly overlooked. There are more than one million divorces each yearHowever, once a divorce settlement has been signed, it is too late to make changes. Our Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is trained to address these important issues for men and women in the process of a divorce and to provide litigation support for their attorneys, which helps them prove and often settle their case. The following list illustrates just a few of the primary areas about which our professionals can offer a solid financial perspective.

  • Who should keep the house?
  • How much will it cost to live post-divorce?
  • How much alimony is there going to be and for how long?
  • Will the custody arrangement affect child support?
  • How can the retirement accounts be split, and the money accessed?
  • Should a business be valued?
  • What are the tax consequences of property settlements?
  • Most important of all, will the clients be able to financially survive (and thrive) with the settlement post-divorce?


For information about this practice area, contact our firm’s Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Susan Kennedy at kennedy@casesabatini.com.

Case | Sabatini

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