The Supreme Court upheld the mandatory repatriation tax as a valid exercise of Congress’s taxing authority. The Court did not reach the question of whether income must be realized to be taxable.
Category: AICPA News
Regs. cover green energy incentive wage and apprenticeship requirements
Under new final regulations issued by the IRS, taxpayers can generally increase the base amount of certain credits or deductions by five times when they meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
TQA addresses related-party disclosure requirements
The AICPA issued a new Technical Question and Answer to provide nonauthoritative guidance regarding the audit implications of a new related-party disclosure requirement for institutions that participate in the financial assistance programs of the Higher Education Act.
Private equity has big plans for small firms
Investment groups are showing record interest in the field of public accounting, leading many in the profession to look at their options while also looking inward at their business model.
IRS moves to end ‘shell game’ of basis-shifting transactions
The Service said it will release new proposed regulations and a revenue ruling to challenge the use of basis-shifting transactions used by complex partnerships in moves that could add over $50 billion to government coffers over 10 years.
IRS gives another limited estimated corporate AMT underpayment waiver
The IRS issued a notice extending earlier relief for a corporation’s failure to pay the part of estimated income tax attributable to the revised corporate alternative minimum tax.
EY makes big investment in accounting profession
The Big 4 accounting firm announced that it will invest $1 billion over three years in talent and technology. The investment includes a commitment to improve pay for early-career professionals.
PCAOB tightens liability standard
The board took three actions to update auditing standards and procedures, including the adoption of a change to an almost 20-year-old rule that tightens the standard of liability to “negligent” from “reckless” for an associated person who contributes to a firm’s violations.
9 months into ERC claim processing moratorium, still a waiting game
New employee retention credit (ERC) claims continue to be filed, and the IRS still has a backlog of claims from before a processing moratorium was announced in September. National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins says “soon” is the answer to when the moratorium will end. Meanwhile, some business owners sit and wait.
CPA Exam’s top scorers earn Elijah Watt Sells Award
Forty CPA candidates received the 2023 Elijah Watt Sells Award, which was established by the AICPA in 1923 to recognize outstanding performance on the CPA Exam.