Retiring clients need a realistic and accurate target that ensures they neither outlive their savings nor unnecessarily restrict their “fun money” spending. Here are some steps to follow.
Category: AICPA News
Melancon: Supreme Court decisions are ‘big deal’ for tax pros
Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA, AICPA & CIMA’s CEO, said the decisions will create uncertainty for a profession that craves certainty.
Switching to mastery-based college accounting classes
How do you go from teaching and testing material in a set time to providing students time (and multiple testing opportunities) to gain 100% mastery of the material? Find out in this Academic Update article.
Pipeline plan of action: Read the Accounting Talent Strategy Report
One year after its formation, the National Pipeline Advisory Group published its recommendations for improving the talent pipeline.
Broker-dealer audit deficiencies on the rise, PCAOB finds
The board’s annual report identifies deficiencies in 70% of audit engagement reviews, offers advice aimed at reducing the number.
Midsummer update: CPA licensure program continues to add students
Experience, Learn and Earn, a program designed to ease attainment of the final 30 hours of the education requirement for CPA licensure, has 94 summer-session students representing more than 50 employers. The deadline for the fall semester is Thursday.
5 new warning signs of a bad claim for pandemic-era ERC
The IRS said the five signs are the result of what IRS compliance teams found while analyzing and processing claims for the employee retention credit (ERC). The Service plans to briefly reopen its voluntary disclosure program.
Funding spurs IRS improvements, but challenges remain, commissioner says
IRS provides fifth quarterly update on transformation efforts, with Commissioner Danny Werfel saying the agency is making “substantial progress.”
FASB proposes scope-related changes to two ASC topics
The Financial Accounting Standards Board is seeking feedback on a proposed Accounting Standards Update related to the application of derivative accounting to contracts and to the diversity in accounting for a share-based payment from a customer.
FASAB issues amendments, seeks new board members
The amendments conform implementation guidance to several existing reporting standards for federal government entities.